12 Raven Street Gladesville, 2111 NSW

Sold by Robert Cassidy 0419 999 903 and Georgia Bass 0434 877 638

3 2 4

Having proven its value both as a family residence and an investment, this home provides great scope to redesign and rebuild (STCA).

The existing home features comfortable accommodation, move straight in; update with a quick refresh before leasing it or build your dream home.

- 626sqm clean block, 15.24m x 41.15m approx.
- Wide side access to oversized car garage & carport
- Neat kitchen, large bedrooms
- Ample living space with an elevated view of the rear yard
- Second entry to the home and 2nd bath/kitchenette make dual occupancy simple
- Under house storerooms & extra-large garage and carport
- Ready to enjoy or rebuild to your standard of luxury (STCA)

Easy walk to school, shops, cafes, restaurants & city buses.

*Ray White give notice that all information given whether contained in this document or given orally, is given without responsibility; intending purchasers should satisfy themselves as to the truth or accuracy of all information given by their own inspections, searches, inquiries, advices or as is otherwise necessary.



Inspection of this property is available strictly by arrangement only.
